What happenings and teachings will you find in the below months???
[1st month called NISAN] – Bedikat Chametz (removal of the leaven), day of choosing the lamb, Passover, Chag HaMatzah (unleavened bread), First-Fruits.
[2nd month called IYAR] – Counting the Omer, the gifts and offices of the Spirit, day of Yeshua’s acsension, day of Yerushalayim, and 40th day of the Omer.
[3rd month called SIVAN] – Shavuot (Pentacost), Mattan Torah (giving of Torah), giving of Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), harvest.
[4th month called TAMMUZ] – Distress of Bein Hametzarim (between the straits), Fast day of 17th of Tammuz.
[5th month called AV] – Continued distress of Bein Hametzarim (between the straits), Fast day of the 9th of Av, Destruction of the Temple, Shabbat Nachamu, Nachamu Ami (comfort my people),
Tu B’ Av (15th of Av).
[6th month called ELUL] – Teshuvah (repentance), 40 days of testing and perfecting, preparing as a bride for the groom Messiah.
[7th month called TISHRI] – Fast day for Gedalya, five themes of Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Feast of Sukkot, fall feasts, harvest, prophetic revelation of the end.
[8th month called CHESHVAN and BUL] – Genesis, abundance of rain, flood, Noah, outpouring of Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit).
[9th month called KISLEV] – War, aggressive against the enemy in and around us that attacks our faith such as how the Maccabees faught, season of Chanukah (re-dedication), our light from God shining in darkness, overcoming the darkness. Warfare month.
[10th month called TEVET] – Remembering the siege wall against Jerusalem, Fast day of the 10th of Tevet. Watching out for anger within us. Warfare month.
[11th month called SHEVAT] – New year for trees, life beginning to assert itself from the ground like resurrection, Tu B’ shevat (15th of Shevat), time of pruning, still warfare, toward end of month warring against the spirit of Persia and more strongly the spirit of Amalek.
[12th month called ADAR] – A magnificent, glorious and joyful month that celebrates God appearing on behalf of His people to overturn the work of the enemy, we battle against spirit of Amalek with assured victory, we celebrate Purim in this month unless there is an Adar Sheni (second Adar) in which we would celebrate Purim in Adar Sheni and have an extra month of magnificence.